-The Indian Express The three-judge SC bench asked Solicitor General Tushar Mehta that why the orders concerning the imposition of restrictions in Jammu and Kashmir were not placed on record. The Supreme Court on Wednesday asked the Centre to produce orders concerning the shutdown and detentions in Jammu and Kashmir, reported Bar and Bench. The three-Judge Bench of Justices NV Ramana with R Subhash Reddy and BR Gavai was hearing a petition...
Supreme Court accepts student's petition challenging Section 66(A) -Amit Chaturvedi
-NDTV The arrest of two young women from Maharashtra for their Facebook posts has led to a national debate over Section 66(A) of the IT Act. The Supreme Court today will hear a public interest litigation (PIL) that challenges this portion of the Act, which deals with punishment for sending "offensive messages" through a computer or communication device. The case has been filed by a student named Shreya Singhal. She alleges that Section...
More »Only by amending IT Act's flawed Section 66A can we stop its misuse
-The Times of India Telecom minister Kapil Sibal says the Information Technology Act shouldn't be misused to "throttle dissent". But is he prepared to go the length to stop misuse? Consider the legal gloss Section 66A of the Act puts on assaults on free expression. Two incidents should suffice as examples. In April, a professor was arrested in Kolkata for forwarding a cartoon depicting Bengal CM Mamata Banerjee. More recently, a...
More »Virtual menace-Apar Gupta
-The Indian Express The debate about Section 66A of the Information Technology Act, 2000, is growing heated. As more cases of its abuse surface, even Communications and IT Minister Kapil Sibal has begun to mull changes to the act. The key question to be probed is whether individual actions booked under the provision are isolated instances of abuse or the section itself flawed. For that, we need to first explore how...
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