-The Hindu The employment scheme will work in tandem with the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana to help take up treatment of about 30% more land than feasible with the current scheme size With limited funds to deal with the gargantuan task of restoring degraded land and reversing desertification in the country, the government is now planning to bring Convergence between the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) and the...
What explains the disastrous floods in Pakistan this year? -Sandipan Talukdar
-Peoples' Dispatch A Convergence of factors such as extreme heat waves, melting glaciers, and heavy monsoon rainfall explains the scale of floods in the country. All these factors are connected to climate change Floods have devastated Pakistan this year, with 33 million people affected and more than 1,200 killed. Rivers breaching their banks coupled with the bursting of glacial lakes inundated almost one-third of the country, causing a massive economic loss. Recovery...
More »No silver-bullet solutions for water supply worries -Veena Srinivasan
-Deccan Herald Many of our policies are great on paper, but they face bottlenecks in planning and implementation Water has high political salience as a subject in India. The country has made steady progress in access to drinking water since the National Drinking Water Mission was launched in 1986. The Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM) launched in 2019 furthers this progress by aiming to provide functional tap connections to every house. This does not...
More »Inter-cropping under the MGNREGA Convergence scheme is providing livelihoods and improving health in Jharkhand -Manoj Choudhary
-Gaon Connection Birsa Harit Gram Yojana, launched in 2020 as a rural employment scheme, in Convergence with the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, is providing double benefits to farmers who are cultivating their fallow lands and also earning wages. Barabanki (East Singhbhum), Jharkhand: For a large part of the year, 51-year-old Laxmi Narayan Singh's three acre plot of land used to remain fallow. He and his 46-year-old wife Savita Singh...
More »Forget minimum wages, MGNREGA workers not even receiving notified wages in many states
Every year in the month of either February or March, the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD) announces the notified MGNREGA wage rates (i.e., notified daily wage rates for MGNREGA workers) for various states and Union Territories (UTs) for the upcoming financial year. The MGNREGA rates are notified every year based on the increase in Consumer Price Index for Agricultural Labourers (CPI-AL). Like the previous years, in 2021 too, experts and civil...
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