-The Indian Express Last week, a special court had directed the National Investigation Agency (NIA) to file a reply on an application filed by Swamy, who had sought permission to be allowed a straw and sipper in the jail. The NIA has been asked to file a reply to the plea by November 26. Seeking the National Human Rights Commission of India’s (NHRC) intervention, the National Platform for the Rights of the...
Scientists rise against Elgaar crackdown -GS Mudur
-The Telegraph In a statement, they have also drawn attention to the NIA’s decision to summon Partha Sarathi Ray, a scientist at the IISER, Calcutta, who, they said, has never visited the site of the violence More than 1,000 scientists and scholars have expressed concern over the National Investigation Agency’s actions on the Bhima-Koregaon violence in 2018, saying the agency appears to be using the probe to crack down on citizens critical...
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