-The Hindu BMS chief Hiranmay Pandya said workers face low wages, lack of job security and social security benefits, and had to suffer poor working conditions this year On the second day of the Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organisation (APRM of ILO), representatives of workers and employers from India on Wednesday highlighted the employment situation in the country. While employers hailed the Union government’s steps to “help” workers...
Is EPFO data right metric to show job creation? No, say experts citing its data limitations -TCA Sharad Raghavan
-ThePrint.in Wage ceiling, mobility of lower-end workers, smaller establishments willfully avoiding registrations among factors that make EPF data flawed indicator, they assert New Delhi: While the government often cites monthly data from the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) — the latest edition of which was released on Friday — to show that Formal sector employment is growing in India, economists say that the data is flawed, prone to inflation and captures only...
More »Poverty, Inequality and a Pay Scale That Depends on Contractors' Whims: Scenes From Narela -Deepanshu Mohan, Tavleen Kaur Saluja, Jignesh Mistry, Hima Trisha and Sriniket Bandaru
-TheWire.in The Narela industrial complex is one of the biggest in Asia, packed with booming small-scale industrial units. It runs entirely on the labour of low-income workers who have very little say on their pay and living conditions. In order to start liberalising trade and industrial production capacity through economic policy, the Indian nation-state began implementing a set of Washington Consensus style neo-liberal economic reforms in the early 1990s. The liberalisation push across...
More »Improving Apprenticeships Can Create Jobs. But First We Need More of Them. -Santosh Mehrotra
-TheWire.in If governments wish to raise employment levels in formal sector enterprises and prepare school leavers for the world of work, it is critical that systems of internships and apprenticeships, formally approved and mandated, are encouraged. In the vast majority of low-income and middle-income countries (LICs/MICs), most students at the secondary/higher secondary level are engaged in general academic education, not vocational education or training. For such students, the transition to the world of...
More »Quality of work matters, and not just job creation
Contrary to the rising economic distress on the ground since the last few years, the official press release related to the fourth Annual Report on the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) at first glance seems to give a rosy picture about the employment situation in India. Defined as the percentage of persons unemployed among the persons in the labour force, the unemployment rate in usual status (principal activity status + subsidiary economic activity status)...
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