-The Hindu Conducts searches in 14 States and Union Territories In a major crackdown on online sexual abuse of minors and circulation of child pornographic material, the CBI has registered 23 new cases against 83 accused persons. It also conducted searches across 14 States and Union Territories. The CBI has so far identified more than 50 groups, comprising over 5,000 offenders, who shared child sexual abuse material. Several of these groups had foreign...
Hacking India’s Democracy – From Monitoring Metadata to Spying Real Time -CP Geevan
-KafilaOnline Blog On June 18 (Sunday evening in India), freedom-loving people across the world were shocked by the revelations of how a highly sophisticated and expensive digital technology, named Pegasus, a spyware sold by Israeli company NSO Group, has been systematically abused for years to spy on journalists, human rights defenders, academics, businesspeople, lawyers, doctors, union leaders, diplomats, politicians and even several heads of states. Regimes in several countries continue to...
More »'Act of Intimidation and Harm': Rights Activists on 'Sulli Deals' App Targeting Muslim Women
-TheWire.in "Such mass targeting of Muslim women in public spaces, whether online or offline, that treats them as objects in the political discourse of Hindutva is simply unacceptable." New Delhi: A group of more than 800 women’s rights organisations and concerned individuals have issued a statement condemning the recent online targeting and harassment of Muslim women on GitHub, through an app called ‘Sulli Deals’ that sought to ‘auction’ these women. Photos of over...
More »Activists hold press conference to emphasize the rights of the Khori villagers who are facing eviction
-Press release by Bandhua Mukti Morcha dated 18th June, 2021 New Delhi, 18 June,2021: The 50 year old secular Khori village, near Surajkund tourist spot (Faridabad, Harayana), inhabited by various sections is on the verge of being uprooted because of the Supreme Court order. Despite the existence of various farmhouses and high rise hotel buildings, the government and the administration is only eyeing these 10,000 houses which house more than 1...
More »Women Journalists Targets of Online Violence and Political Attacks -Julie Posetti
-TheCitizen.in/ IPS UNESCO and International Centre for Journalists Survey WASHINGTON: An alarmingly high number of women journalists are now targets of online attacks associated with orchestrated digital disinformation campaigns. The impacts include self-censorship, retreat from visibility, an increased risk of physical injury, and a serious mental health toll. The main perpetrators? Anonymous trolls and political actors. These findings are among the first released in a survey conducted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific...
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