-NDTV.com At a time when Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation has remained above RBI's upper tolerance level of 6% for seven consecutive months and the WPI inflation rates are at the highest levels since January 2007, it is good that the issue was finally discussed in parliament and the RBI's recent rate hike signals recognition of the concern. However, during the debate in the parliament, the Treasury bench largely took a...
Ujjwala scheme not shining bright amid soaring LPG prices -Rahul Shrivastava
-IndiaToday.in Beneficiaries of the Ujjwala scheme are not seeking refills amid soaring prices of LPG cylinders. According to government data, over 50 per cent of beneficiaries sought four or less refills in the last financial year. The government’s poll trump card, the Ujjwala Yojna, faces a serious threat of losing ground as the rising price of the LPG cylinder has led to a drastic fall in the number of refills ordered by...
More »LPG price crosses Rs.1,050, cylinder refills decline among PMUY consumers -Vignesh Radhakrishnan & Jasmin Nihalani
-The Hindu The price surge in LPG cylinders has pushed consumers to lower the number of LPG refills with 5% of the PMUY beneficiaries refilling just once per year in FY22 The price of a 14.2 kg cylinder has skyrocketed to ₹1,053 in July 2022. Though a subsidy of ₹200 per cylinder was recently announced for the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana beneficiaries, the subsidised rate of ₹853 is still double the amount...
More »Oil Ministry mulls reinstating subsidised LPG prices, survey in progress -Twesh Mishra
-Business Standard Centre assessing appropriate price at which subsidy should resume The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas is evaluating a threshold at which the subsidy on Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG or cooking gas) will be reinstated. According to a senior government official in the know, a survey is currently being conducted to determine the price at which maximum consumers will keep buying domestic cylinders. One of the options also being considered...
More »Health first, fiscal prudence later -Abhishek Jain and Karthik Ganesan
-The Hindu The government can balance LPG subsidies and ensure clean fuel consumption in poorer households Subsidised LPG prices have increased by a massive 50% in this financial year alone, consistently capturing headlines. What would be the impact of this in sustaining the gains of the government’s flagship scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)? Since 2016, PMUY has provided LPG connections to 8 million poor households to reduce women’s drudgery and indoor...
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