The Internet Freedom Foundation has requested the Tamil Nadu government to provide residents with a choice to produce an alternate document of identification - Medianama The Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF) has written to the Tamil Nadu Finance Secretary requesting the government to provide residents with a choice to produce an alternate document of identification such as a driving license, voter ID, or passport to avail benefits of government schemes. Violation of privacy and...
Old Age Pension: Stagnant Amounts and Gender Differential -Richa Chintan Since 2007, the central government has given a meagre Rs 7 to Rs 16 per day to the elderly. Some states have recently announced an increase in entitlements under the old-age pension scheme. For instance, Andhra Pradesh increased the old age pension amount by about Rs 250 to Rs 2500 per month at the beginning of 2022. More recently, the Uttar Pradesh government has announced an increase in the old-age pension...
More »Corruption, pending payments mar implementation of rural schemes: Parliamentary panel
-The Hindu Genuine labourers not getting their dues while money keeps changing hands due to collusion of unscrupulous elements, says report Fake job cards, widespread corruption, late uploading of muster rolls, and huge pending payments for wages and materials are among the issues hampering the MGNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) scheme, apart from insufficient funding, according to a Parliamentary Standing Committee report submitted to the Lok Sabha today. The...
More »Utter Disgrace! Modi Sarkar Refuses Hike in Rs 200 Monthly Old Age Pension -Prabhat Patnaik The government’s brazen class bias is crystal clear, as it gives away national assets built with public money to its favourite capitalists, together with tax breaks. Junior Minister for Rural Development in the Central government, Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti, ruled out in Parliament any increase in the amount of monthly pension given by the Centre to the elderly under the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP). The amount currently being given to each...
More »Most households in rural Bihar faced livelihood crisis during the first wave of COVID-19, reveals a recent study
The pandemic's first wave had a devastating impact on the livelihoods of rural workers in Bihar (including the self-employed) last year, according to a survey based research, jointly done by economists from Centre for Development Economics and Sustainability at Monash University, Australia and the New Delhi-based Institute for Human Development. A recent press note issued by the authors of the study shows that almost 94.4 percent of the households participating...
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