Factchecker.in On March 6, 2023, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath claimed that no farmer had died by suicide in the last six years. But, 398 farmers and 731 farm labourers died by suicide between 2017 and 2021 in the state, official data show. “Sugarcane farmers in Uttar Pradesh were forced to burn their crops and attempt suicide but in the last six years, no farmer in Uttar Pradesh has died by...
Every litre of ethanol needs 2,860 litres of water. And yet, India wants to produce a lot more of it -Supriya Vohra
-Scroll.in The government wants to reduce its dependence on imported crude oil by producing more ethanol-blended petrol. While India is making a push for ethanol-blended petrol, by incentivising sugarcane-derived ethanol, concerns remain about the water-guzzling nature of the sugarcane and fair remuneration for farmers. On November 2, the Centre, as part of its Ethanol Blending Programme, approved a higher price for ethanol that is derived from different sugarcane-based raw materials. This was done...
More »UP: Kushinagar Sugarcane farmers Demand Rs 44 Crore Dues -Abdul Alim Jafri
-Newsclick.in The farmers are also demanding free electricity for irrigation and grants for borewells, tubewells, ponds and tanks, as promised by BJP during the last Assembly election. Lucknow: Sugarcane farmers of Kaptanganj sugar mill, in Kushinagar district of Uttar Pradesh (UP) and surrounding villages have been protesting outside the tehsil under the banner of multiple unions demanding payment of around Rs 44 crore due for the ongoing crushing season for almost two...
More »Piscean power -Nitin Sangwan
-The Telegraph Aquaculture is yet to see the kind of technological change that the agriculture sector underwent during the Green Revolution Fisheries is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the world that plays an important role in economic development as well as in facilitating nutrition security. Animal protein is a primary source of protein for billions of people and aquaculture provides for the livelihood of more than 10% of the global population....
More »UP: Farmers In Sitapur, Lakhimpur Threaten Massive Movement on July 15 if Outstanding Cane Dues not Paid -Abdul Alim Jafri
-Newsclick.in Farmers said the cane-crushing season had ended earlier this month, but payments of over Rs 15 crore are still pending. Lucknow: Irked over the delay in sugarcane payments, farmers on Friday held a demonstration against Mahmudabad co-operative sugar mill in the Sitapur district. Farmers said the cane-crushing season had ended earlier this month, but payments of over Rs 15 crore were pending. Per the norms, the payment should be cleared within 14 days...
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