-The Hindu Business Line The Supreme Court on Tuesday paved the way for Vedanta to reopen the Sterlite copper smelter plant in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, refusing to stay the December 15 order of the National Green Tribunal (NGT). A Bench headed by Justice RF Nariman today heard two cases on the issue. The first was on the stay given by the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court on the NGT order...
Moved by the spectacle -Sreejith Sugunan
-The Indian Express Closure of Sterlite plant says something about our collective morality: Death, violence move governments more than reason and evidence It took a brazen exercise of what sociologists since Max Weber refer to as the state’s “monopoly of violence” by Tamil Nadu authorities to bring our attention to a problem that had been affecting the local residents of Tuticorin for over two decades. Since this tragic incident, it took hardly...
More »UN Experts Criticise 'Excessive' Use of Force by Police at Anti-Sterlite Protest
-TheWire.in They have demanded an independent and transparent probe into the May 22 violence which left 13 dead and several injured. New Delhi: United Nation’s human rights experts have criticised the “disproportionate and excessive use of force” by the police during the anti-Sterlite protest in Thoothukudi in Tamil Nadu on May 22. The police firing and violence had left 13 dead and scores injured and had evoked widespread criticism in India...
More »What was done with the Rs 100 crore fine Vedanta paid for Sterlite violations? Not much, finds RTI query -Priyanka Thirumurthy
-TheNewsMinute.com The SC had ordered for the interest from to penalty to be spent for improving the environment, including water and soil, of the vicinity of the plant. Over the last five years, the Thoothukudi district administration has failed to not only address the angst of residents over pollution by Sterlite copper but also to utilise funds to improve the environment in the vicinity of the plant, government documents received under...
More »Tuticorin Sterlite Copper plant accounts for 40 per cent of country's copper: Will hit 800 units and jobs -Deepak Patel
-The Indian Express Tuticorin Sterlite Copper plant shutdown is also likely to impact India’s copper exports as around 1.6 lakh tonnes of Tuticorin plant’s production is sold internationally. The Tamil Nadu government’s decision Monday to shut down Vedanta Limited’s copper plant at Tuticorin, which accounts for a 40 per cent share in India’s annual copper production of 10 lakh tonnes, could have a downstream impact on around 800 small and medium units...
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