Rajya Sabha 10,655 micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) closed in 2022-23. That is a 6,088% increase over the number in 2021-22, with 175 closures. The data was revealed by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India as part of the response to a Parliamentary Question asked in the Rajya Sabha. The data was compiled from the Udyam registration portal, the Ministry's online portal for registrations and...
Govt in advanced stage to launch Rs 3,500-crore PLI scheme for toy sector -Asit Ranjan Mishra
-Business Standard Dept in advanced inter-ministerial talks; schemes for bicycles, footwear to follow The industry department is in the advanced stage of inter-ministerial consultation for launching a production-linked incentive (PLI) scheme for both traditional and mechanical toys worth Rs 3,500 crore, which will be followed by PLI schemes for bicycles and footwear. “Discussions for PLI for toys are at an advanced stage. PLIs for bicycles and footwear are also under formulation,” a government...
More »MSMEs drive growth in bank credit to industry
-Financial Express The credit outstanding to industry stood at Rs 32.4 trillion as of September 23, according to the data. The banking sector lending to industry has picked up, led by disbursals to the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector. Bank credit to industry improved 12.6% year-on-year in September, compared to a muted 1.7% growth in the same month last year, data released by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) showed. Banks’...
More »MSMEs have shown resilience in the face of steep challenges -V Anantha Nageswaran and Gurvinder Kaur
-Livemint.com Public support measures helped India’s small businesses survive the pandemic better than feared The robust recovery of India’s economy from the profound shock of the covid pandemic has expectedly triggered debates about the nature of this recovery. While our economic recovery, as reflected in various supply and demand indicators, is acknowledged by many unbiased observers, an examination of its inclusivity is necessary. As an immediate response to the pandemic, the government put...
More »Financial inclusion of MSMEs and its impact on society -Hardika Shah
-The Hindu Business Line Why access to capital for MSME entrepreneurs has the potential to alter India’s social fabric India’s social fabric has undergone a series of transformations since Independence. After the liberalisation of the economy in the 1990s, the market opened up and employment opportunities grew, as did the spending power and standard of living of the average Indian. As financial access grew, so did social mobility. However, certain sections have lagged...
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