-NDTV 200 talukas in Maharashtra have received less than 75 per cent rainfall, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said Mumbai: Maharashtra is staring at a drought again, after two years, with 20,000 villages reportedly running out of water. Around 200 talukas are facing water scarcity and the government will submit a report on whether to declare a drought or not by October 31, Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said today. The 200 talukas have...
Preparing for the floods -G Anand & AJ James
-The Hindu Kerala has a unique opportunity to put in place climate-resilient water management The recent floods in Kerala saw heroic rescues from raging rivers swollen by unprecedented rains — and the opening of shutters of major dams. There were allegations of ‘human blunders’ while the government said it could have done little else. The truth is that India has not learnt its lessons from recent floods, in Assam, Bihar and Tamil...
More »Central panel silent on role of Mullaperiyar in Kerala floods -Jacob Koshy
-The Hindu Gives water-release patterns of only Idukki and Idamalayar New Delhi: The Central Water Commission (CWC), in its report on the role of dams in the Kerala floods, has omitted analysis of the operations of the Mullaperiyar dam, the contentious reservoir located in Kerala and operated by Tamil Nadu. It has, however, detailed descriptions of the water-release patterns in the Idukki and Idamalayar dams on August 15, 16, and 17, when...
More »Steps to stop the rot: on dangers of storing foodgrains in the open -Peter Smetacek
-The Hindu The government must stop storing millions of tonnes of foodgrains in the open under tarpaulins In India, the height of the rainy season is a time that one prays will pass — flooded roads, wet clothes, masses of insects and mould. No place is safe from the growth of fungi that spring up overnight. With the humidity in the air and the warmth of summer, all that fungi need is...
More »How dams can control floods -Mathew Abraham
-The Hindu There should be space for greater storage of water in reservoirs before the onset of monsoon In the aftermath of any tragedy, people struggle to comprehend what happened and how to cope. Kerala is no different. With the floodwaters finally receding, a number of experts and politicians have stated various possible reasons for the tragedy. Some have cited ill-thought-out development plans that have affected the sustainability of the Western Ghats,...
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