-Outlook Some 31 per cent of MPs in the Lok Sabha have criminal cases pending against them, and their pay package is 68 times higher than the national per capita income, according to the National Social Watch Report on Governance and Development-2013 released here today. "The pay package of MPs in India is higher than that of their counterparts in Singapore, Japan, Italy, and Pakistan. In terms of the ratio of the...
All you want to know about Lokpal Bill
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Parliament on Wednesday passed the crucial Lokpal Bill with the Lok Sabha adopting the measure as amended by the Rajya Sabha after a short discussion. Following are the salient features of the amended Lokpal Bill. 1. Lokayuktas: The new bill mandates states to set up Lokayuktas within 365 days. States have the freedom to determine the nature and type of Lokayukta. The old bill said the law...
More »Rs 1,000 crore Nirbhaya fund remains untouched -Himanshi Dhawan
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: It has been a year since Nirbhaya shook the country's conscience with her courage in the face of the brutal gang-rape on the night of December 16. However, the government is yet to shake off its lethargy and has not spent a rupee from the much-touted Rs 1,000-crore Nirbhaya fund. The fund was announced by the Centre with much fanfare in the Union Budget earlier this...
More »SC raps UP over Muzaffarnagar riot camp misery -Bhadra Sinha
-The Hindustan Times Coming down hard on the Uttar Pradesh government over reports that 40 children had died in its relief camps in riot-torn Muzaffarnagar, the Supreme Court on Thursday directed it to take immediate steps to ensure there were no such deaths in future, especially with winter setting in. Hindustan Times had recently, in a series of ground reports, written about sufferings and deaths in the relief camps, set up after...
More »The Unbearable Wrongness Of Koushal vs Naz Foundation -Gautam Bhatia
-Outlook Today's Supreme Court judgment that reverses the Delhi High Court judgment of 2009 is both constitutionally preposterous and morally egregious "If there is one constitutional tenet that can be said to be underlying theme of the Indian Constitution, it is that of ‘inclusiveness'. This Court believes that Indian Constitution reflects this value deeply ingrained in Indian society, nurtured over several generations... Where society can display inclusiveness...
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