-The Hindu The Goa government on Tuesday filed a reply before the Goa Bench of the Bombay High Court to a Public Interest Litigation petition on illegal mining, claiming that the extraction, which the petitioner questioned, was from dumps and excess mining did not take place. The affidavit was submitted on behalf of Director of Mines and Geology Arvind Loliekar in the course of the hearing on the Goa Foundation's petition, which...
Gujarat govt to provide cycles to rural students to encourage education by Paras K Jha
In a bid to implement better the 'Right to free and compulsory Education' Act (Right to Education - RTE) in the state, the education department is thinking up new ideas. The primary education department is mulling providing bicycles to those students who have to travel more than 3 kilometres to get to their schools. This provision of bicycles, however, is subject to the finance department's approval. Sources in the state education department...
More »India needs modern storage to sustain food bill proposals
-PTI Food minister KV Thomas said that apart from raising foodgrains production, the country needs modern storage facilities on the lines of China to sustain the implementation of new food bill provisions. The draft National Food Security Bill, which is likely to be introduced in the winter session of Parliament, seeks to provide legal entitlement to subsidised foodgrains to 75 per cent of the country's rural population and 50 per cent of...
More »A Mixed Bag
-The Times of India The Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Bill, cleared by the cabinet last week, signals that the government`s heart is in the right place. Under its provisions, coal firms must share 26% of their net profits with project area residents, while non-coal miners will have to provide them a sum equal to royalty paid to state governments. No system is in place at present to properly compensate...
More »Pay hike proposed for NREGA workers by Jaideep Deogharia
The Jharkhand state MGNREGA council has increased the honorarium to nearly 6,000 contract employees working for implementation of the central scheme, putting an additional burden of over Rs 1 crore on the state exchequer. However, the government said the extra load would be borne by the central share of funds. The proposal of the rural development department was approved by the state council in its third meeting here on Tuesday. The...
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