-Hindustan Times Low-cost State-sponsored food schemes are mushrooming across India. Inspired by Tamil Nadu’s Amma Canteens – where meals are sold for as little as Rs. 5 - Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, Telangana and Rajasthan have followed suit and started similar canteens in their states. Madhya Pradesh too is planning to launch a similar subsidised food scheme. The growth of such canteens across India underscores several issues related to the Right to...
Much to farmers' dismay, Centre slashes prices of non-timber forest products -Anupam Chakravartty
-Down to Earth Modi government’s attempt at rationalising prices of forest products is likely to hit Adivasi farmers the most At the time when there has been demand for increasing the minimum support prices for various agricultural products, the NDA government has gone ahead and slashed the prices of forest produce on which livelihoods of several forest-dwelling tribes depend. Stating the need to rationalise the minimum support price (MSP) as they...
More »Farmers get 60 days more to repay crop loans due in November-December
-PTI NEW DELHI: In a bid to provide relief to farmers hit by cash crunch, the government today gave them an additional two months to repay their crop loans due in November-December period and said that prompt repayment would be eligible for the extra 3 per cent interest subsidy. Under the interest subvention scheme, farmers get the short-term crop loan of up to Rs 3 lakh for one year at an interest...
More »Mapping tribal language newspapers -Ankita Pandey
-TheHoot.org What are the factors that decide whether and where tribal language publications flourish? Some of the answers are surprising. Tribal languages have received insufficient attention in our country. Only a small number of them have managed to register their presence in the world of print media. This article analyses registered tribal language newspapers and examines the conditions that support the growth of tribal languages in print media. Key findings are: *...
More »The man who slaked India's thirst -Joydeep Gupta
-TheThirdPole.net Anupam Mishra, who spent three decades fighting for rejuvenation of India’s traditional water harvesting systems, died on December 19 If many of India’s ponds, wells, stepwells, springs, check dams and other traditional water harvesting systems are still in working order today, if at least a few of India’s rivers have been revived, much of the credit must go to Anupam Mishra. Through reportage, analysis and advocacy sustained over three decades, this...
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