-PTI Three months after Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the ‘Give It Up’ campaign, only 0.35 per cent of the domestic LPG consumers have so far given up using subsidised cooking gas. At a review meeting chaired by Oil Minister Dharmendra Pradhan last week, it was informed that just over 5.5 lakh out of the 15.3 crore LPG consumers have so far voluntarily surrendered subsidised LPG and started buying the cooking fuel...
Facing drought, Telangana shifts focus to dry crops -Bappa Majumdar
-The Times of India HYDERABAD: In a major policy shift that could shape the future of agriculture in Telangana, the government on Wednesday said it was getting ready to grow dry crops such as ragi and bajra in view of an impending drought after the killer heat wave in the region. Unseasonal rains in MarchApril had damaged Rabi crops in 75,000 hectares across nine districts of the state, forcing the government to...
More »The BJP’s borrowed feathers -Dr. Manmohan Singh
-The Hindu Business Line Don’t let Modi’s gloss undermine the efforts and achievements of the UPA government, says the former Prime Minister This is the text of a speech delivered at the Congress chief ministers’ conclave in New Delhi on June 9 There is somewhat of a euphoria that our GDP growth since 2014-15 has started accelerating once again. But doubts have been expressed both within and outside government about the validity of...
More »Fresh crackdown: Licence of 4,470 NGOs cancelled
-PTI NEW DELHI: In another round of action against erring NGOs, the government has cancelled the licence of 4,470 such entities that surprisingly included a number of top universities, Supreme Court Bar Association and Escorts Heart Institute, which bars them from receiving foreign funds. The decision to cancel the registration of these entities under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act has been taken by the Union home ministry after examination of their activities...
More »Delhi government to ban 2-finger test for rape
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Delhi government on Monday sought to downplay its health advisory allowing "two-finger test" on rape survivors. It stated that the advisory was misinterpreted and they will come up with a fresh notification to completely ban the archaic test for ascertaining sexual assault. "We want to make it clear that finger test is banned completely for ascertaining sexual assaults. More scientific methods will be adopted for...
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