Days after the government placed the CBI under the category of organisations “exempt” from the RTI Act, the country’s first Chief Information Commissioner Wajahat Habibullah has “requested” Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to let the Central agency remain within the ambit of the transparency Act as “public interest would best be served by keeping these bodies transparent and accountable within the limits of the law”. However, the CBI has defended the move...
Fraudulent job offers in circulation, public cautioned
-The Economic Times The Meghalaya government today cautioned that some false job letters were being distributed in the state in the name of the Union Rural Development Ministry to mislead job seekers. "Some vested interests are circulating false job offers purportedly issued by the Project Director, Srimati Indu Sarma, New Delhi, where the letter head carries the National Emblem and the name of MGNREGA Act 2005, Ministry of Rural Development, Government...
More »Law Commission proposes legislation to curb ‘honour killings' by J Venkatesan
The draft has been approved and is expected to be released shortly for comments There must be a bar on assembly for discussing young persons marrying as per their choice Village elders have no right to interfere with the life and liberty of such couples To tackle the menace of ‘honour killings' in some parts of the country and deal with illegal orders from by ‘khap panchayats,' the Law Commission has proposed legislation...
More »Climate to wreak havoc on food supply, predicts report by Jennifer Carpenter
Areas where food supplies could be worst hit by climate change have been identified in a report. Some areas in the tropics face famine because of failing food production, an international research group says. The Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) predicts large parts of South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa will be worst affected. Its report points out that hundreds of millions of people in these regions are already experiencing a food...
More »Cash Transfers as the Silver Bullet for Poverty Reduction: A Sceptical Note by Jayati Ghosh
The current perception that cash transfers can replace public provision of basic goods and services and become a catch-all solution for poverty reduction is false. Where cash transfers have helped to reduce poverty, they have added to public provision, not replaced it. For crucial items like food, direct provision protects poor consumers from rising prices and is part of a broader strategy to ensure domestic supply. Problems like targeting errors...
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