-The Times of India In the decade or so that i was at the Planning Commission, i always had advisory responsibility for the food ministry/public distribution system, among other issues of development policy. It did not take very long to find out that the fundamental problem with the system was about so-called "leakages" abetted by corruption: One soon learnt that the Food Corporation of India (FCI) was one of the most...
Maharashtra infant gets polio from vaccine, third such case in the country -Himanshu Nitnaware & Umesh Isalkar
-The Times of India AURANGABAD/ PUNE: An 11-month-old boy from Maharashtra's Beed district has been found infected with the vaccine derived polio virus (VDPV). This is the first such case in the state and the third in the country since March 2012. Health officials said the boy's stool sample tested positive for VDPV on June 1. "The child has been ill for prolonged periods, indicating the possibility of immunodeficiency," an official said. The...
More »Food scheme to widen net -Ambika Pandit
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Delhi's homeless may be brought under the fold of the Delhi government's flagship Annshree Yojana as the government is having trouble finding eligible beneficiaries to meet the two lakh target set under the cash for food scheme. So far limited to vulnerable households identified by a survey of 2008-2010, the scheme will now be made "broad based". Under the scheme, a monthly subsidy of Rs 600...
More »SP in favour of parties coming under RTI -Pervez Iqbal Siddiqui
-The Times of India LUCKNOW: Breaking ranks with the other parties, the Samajwadi Party on Thursday said it favoured a mechanism of checks and balances for transparency in the functioning of the political parties. The SP was referring to the June 3, 2013, ruling of the chief information commissioner (CIC) that says political parties come under the Right to Information (RTI) Act. Almost all national parties have opposed the CIC ruling. National...
More »Training 500 mn people by 2022 unrealistic: Govt think-tank IAMR -Vikas Dhoot
-The Economic Times NEW DELHI: The Manmohan Singh government's target of skilling 500 million people by 2022 is grossly inflated and is based on a speech by late management guru CK Prahalad instead of any demographic analysis. The country would actually need only about half that number of trained manpower by then, the government's own think-tank, the Institute of Applied Manpower Research (IAMR), has said in a research paper. The IAMR, housed under...
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