-PTI A BJP team which visited Paramakudi, the scene of the September 11 police firing in which seven persons were killed, today said the incident was a result of "police excesses" and could have been avoided. The team, which included BJP national spokesperson Nirmala Seetharaman and Lok Sabha MPs Arjun Ram Meghwal and Kirit Solanki, condemned the firing and claimed that even after the incident people were targeted by police during the...
Rajasthan orders CBI probe into Bharatpur riot by Lokpal Sethi
Succumbing to pressure from leaders of an aggrieved Muslim community, the Rajasthan Government on Saturday decided to hand over investigation of the Gopalgarh firing in Bharatpur to the CBI. At the same time, it also ordered a judicial probe into the incident in which eight persons were killed and 20 injured. The Government also conceded to the demand of removing district collector Krishan Kunal and SP Hinglaz Dan for failing to assess...
More »Police beat up protesting villagers in Nalanda by Shoumojit Banerjee
Nitish orders suspension of investigating officer, two other policemen In yet another incident of police brutality, policemen mercilessly beat up several persons, including women, in Bihar's Nalanda district on Thursday. The incident occurred when a large Crowd trooped in front of the Noorsarai police station to protest against the recent disappearance of a young woman Sushma Kumari alias Reena Devi, who is the panchayat secretary. The mob alleged that the investigating officer (IO)...
More »An inexplicable procedure by Era Sezhiyan
On August 27, Parliament should have passed a resolution on the Lokpal issue in the established manner. The so-called ‘Sense of the House' resolution was a perplexing move. After the failure of discussions between members of a committee comprising Union Ministers and the civil society team, Anna Hazare declared on July 29, 2011 that if the government did not act on the Jan Lokpal Bill drafted by the team by August...
More »A Pail Of Piety Against An Augean Stable by Pranab Bardhan
There are structural aspects to a problem as complex as corruption. These cannot be tackled through punishment alone. Just as our society tends to latch on to holy men for miracle cures, in recent weeks, the urban middle classes have placed great hopes on an anti-corruption movement led by a pious man in a Gandhi cap. (The other claim on leadership by a holy man in red robes did not...
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