In what is expected to add more teeth to the investigation into the multi-thousand crore foodgrain scam in UP, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday decided to join the CBI investigation. The Allahabad HC had on Friday asked CBI to join the probe into the unprecedented foodgrain pilferage in UP between 2004 and 2007 when Mulayam Singh Yadav was the chief minister. The case relates to the smuggling of grain meant...
Indians No. 2 in emigrating, top in sending money home by Rema Nagarajan
India continued to be the largest recipient of remittances in 2010, with the figure rising from $49.6 billion in 2009 to $55 billion. It was also the country with the second largest number of emigrants (those migrating abroad) after Mexico, according to the World Bank's just-released Migration and Remittances Factbook 2011. Interestingly, even as 11.4 million people from India went abroad, 5.4 million came into the country, making India No. 10...
More »WHO: strengthen health systems to ensure early detection of HIV/AIDS
Although new HIV infections show a downward trend in countries of the World Health Organisation's South-East Asia Region, particularly India, Thailand, Nepal and Myanmar, HIV/AIDS is still a serious public health problem. Perhaps the most vulnerable group are children with HIV/AIDS, whose number has increased by 46 per cent between 2001 and 2009. Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV is possible by 2015 and WHO is committed to this goal. On...
More »UN-led alliance commits to saving dwindling tiger population
Discussions at an international forum in Russia on restoring the global tiger population from the brink of extinction have resulted in a United Nations-led alliance to fight wildlife crime and put an end to the key drivers threatening the wild cats around the world. The meeting held this week in Saint Petersburg saw the governments of 13 Tiger Range Countries agree to double tiger numbers by 2022 and the heads of...
More »It's up to Manmohan to decide on MNREGS wage hike: Joshi
Union Rural Development Minister C.P. Joshi on Friday maintained that the Centre was set to increase the wage rate paid under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS), but it was for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to address the issues raised by UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi. Dr. Joshi said it was not for him to react to the recommendation made to Dr. Singh by Ms. Gandhi — in her...
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