-The Times of India The probe into the mega-billion 'Coalgate' scam moved into a higher gear on Tuesday, with the Central Bureau of Investigation registering five FIRs into irregularities against five companies and several individuals, including a leading political family of Maharashtra. Those named in the first set of FIRs include Congress member of Rajya Sabha Vijay Jawaharlal Darda, his brother and education minister of Maharashtra Rajendra J Darda and his son...
Jairam Ramesh rules out any significant changes in land acquisition bill
-The Economic Times Rural development minister Jairam Ramesh has ruled out any significant changes in the land acquisition bill. "There will be no significant changes to the bill. Just like the Supreme Court has ruled that there is a basic structure to the Constitution, there is a basic structure to the bill that cannot and will not be tampered with," Ramesh told Reporters here on Monday. The bill, which was taken up...
More »Rs 1,500 crore for increasing green cover in Eastern Ghats
-PTI COIMBATORE: Tamil Nadu government has allocated Rs 1,500 crore for developing green cover in the much neglected Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu Agricutural University (TNAU) vice-chancellor K Ramasamy said on Thursday. So far efforts had been on developing Western Ghats, which runs through Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka, and now the Government has allotted Rs.1,500 crore for developing Eastern Ghats, he told Reporters here. With East Coast Road on place, the govenrment wanted...
More »The MLA, the Bajrangi and the others the judgment touched
-The Indian Express Firebrand leader who rose swiftly till downfall She rose swiftly through the ranks, having made her mark as a firebrand leader who had saffron politics as part of her legacy. Mayaben Surendrabhai Kodnani, convicted of murder, conspiracy and spreading communal hatred, is the daughter of a staunch RSS worker who had suffered the pains of Partition, moving from Tharparkar in Sind province to Deesa in Gujarat. Kodnani, the first sitting...
More »PC clarifies on cartoon in FC by KR Sudhaman
-The Financial Chronicle Finance minister P Chidambaram on Monday said neither he nor his colleagues talked about “zero loss” in connection with the CAG report, as inferred in a cartoon in the August 27 edition of Financial Chronicle, and in a report in another daily. The FC cartoon showed him holding a paper that said “zero loss theory”. Chidambaram said the statement is being issued to set the “record straight”, and clarified that...
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