-The Times of India As successive spells of freak rains in March-April ravaged fields across Uttar Pradesh, a spate of farmer deaths were reported. Most of these were ascribed to suicide or trauma, as crop losses mounted and the state appeared to be reeling under a fresh agrarian crisis. The UP government moved to provide relief, but on farmer deaths, it saw things a little differently. "There is no conclusive proof, yet,...
IMA asks doctors to prescribe cheapest version of drugs -Ramya Kannan
-The Hindu It was resolved that all IMA members shall write drugs with chemical or generic name in capital letters A resolution was passed at the recent working committee meeting of the Indian Medical Association (IMA) that is likely to have the direct benefit of making drugs more accessible and affordable. It was resolved that all IMA members “shall write drugs with chemical or generic name in capital letters, and the name of...
More »Economic gap between upper castes and dalits persists -Subodh Varma
-The Times of India Despite more access to education, better household amenities and increased incomes, the economic gap between upper castes and dalit and tribal communities continues unchanged over the years, according to latest economic data from the NSSO. A comparison of average monthly expenditure of households belonging to dalit communities with upper caste households showed that in rural areas there was a gap of about 38% in 1999-2000 which changed only...
More »Rain-hit farmers line up for help at Agra mental institute -Aditya Dev
-The Times of India AGRA: Unseasonal rains that lashed fields across northern India and destroyed crops have not only driven farmers to commit suicide by the dozens, many are now lining up at mental hospitals for help. In just the last one month, there has been a staggering 33% increase in patients visiting Agra's renowned Institute of Mental Health and Hospital (IMHH). Doctors at the hospital told TOI on Monday that almost...
More »Aid for rain-hit farmers:Rs 75
-The Telegraph Lucknow: The Akhilesh Yadav government today suspended three revenue officers after some rain-hit farmers were handed compensation cheques of Rs 75 and Rs 100, and ordered a probe into how such a pittance was paid. News channels showed the farmers in Faizabad and Badaun districts of Uttar Pradesh waving cheques of Rs 100, Rs 75 and even Rs 69. These farmers had lost their crops in last month's unseasonal rain...
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