-The Hindu However, the job scheme’s balance sheets remain in the red in 24 States, UTs. The Finance Ministry has allocated additional funds of ₹10,000 crore as an interim measure for the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) scheme after it ran out of funds allocated in the budget, according to the Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD). More funds may be forthcoming based on the “assessment of demand,” added the...
Falling fertility, rising anaemia stand out in national health survey -Nandlal Mishra and Akancha Singh
-Livemint.com From a replacement-level fertility rate to rising anaemia prevalence, here’s what the latest round of the National Family Health Survey has found on key health indicators across India’s states India hit a major demographic milestone in the last two years as its total fertility rate slipped below the replacement level for the first time, show the findings of the latest National Family Health Survey. The replacement mark—2.1 children per woman—is the...
More »The need for a proper Pre-Legislative Consultation Policy -Arun PS
-The Hindu How many bills have been tabled without prior discussions? What needs to be done to improve public consultation in policymaking? The story so far: The Union Government has listed 29 Bills (26 new and three pending) to be tabled in the winter session of Parliament. In 2014, the Pre-Legislative Consultation Policy was adopted, mandating a host of rules, including that whenever the Government makes any law, it must place a...
More »From Narmada Bachao Andolan to farmer protests: Why the media must record history -Kalpana Sharma
-Newslaundry.com Doing so is not being partisan, it’s the role of the media to document for future generations. In his usual dramatic style, prime minister Narendra Modi pulled another rabbit from his topi on November 19. After a year of ignoring the thousands of farmers protesting at the gates of the national capital, demanding the repeal of the three farm laws rammed through parliament by his government, after dismissing their agitation as nothing...
More »The key demographic transitions captured by the 5th round of NFHS -Abhishek Jha
-Hindustan Times NFHS-5, the most comprehensive survey on socio-economic and health indicators in the country, shows some surprising demographic transitions. The Union health ministry released the summary findings of the fifth round of the National Family and Health Survey (NFHS-5), conducted in two phases between 2019 and 2021, on November 24. NFHS is the most comprehensive survey on socio-economic and health indicators in the country. While the results of the first phase...
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