-The Times of India NEW DELHI: The Delhi high court on Thursday asked the Centre to explore the possibility of extending the ban on diesel cabs to the entire National Capital Region (NCR) "even if the Motor Vehicles Act has to be amended" for the purpose. Justice Manmohan said he wanted the Union cabinet secretary to head a panel comprising secretaries of environment, transport and petroleum ministries to hammer out a plan...
Govt eyes post offices, kiranas for pension plans -Sidhartha
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: After the success with opening bank accounts and two insurance schemes, the government is lining up a major push for retirement savings under its financial inclusion programme. The finance ministry has begun talks to rope in 1.5 lakh post offices along with kirana shops and chemists to sell pension plans with an assurance of minimum returns. Sources told TOI that the department of posts, which is...
More »How the world’s big cities are fighting climate change, together -Shivani Singh
-Hindustan Times If you thought climate change was only about melting glaciers and sinking islands, you have underestimated it. A report by C40, a global network of 82 megacities--including Delhi--committed to fighting climate change, says that at least 70% of these urban centres are already affected by climate change. Not all of them are coast or hill towns. As population is increasing in these megacities, rising pollution, growing congestion and mounting waste...
More »IMA needs to introspect on state of private medical services -Harsh Mander
-Hindustan Times School textbooks in recent decades have frequently become battlegrounds for ideological contestation in India. Most textbook wars are to advance majoritarian perspectives on history and culture. However, a recent very different textbook skirmish broke out about the public and private sectors in healthcare. The story of this ideological clash is bemusing and instructive, illuminating competing perspectives on the nature of education, healthcare and markets in new India. This clash surfaced...
More »Activists fight IMA on hospital charges
-The Telegraph New Delhi: Public health activists have asked the Union health ministry to reject a demand from an association of Indian doctors to exempt hospitals and clinics with accreditation from proposed rules to regulate the costs of services charged to patients. The Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA, or People's Health Movement) has opposed a demand from the Indian Medical Association to the health ministry seeking exemption for accredited hospitals from the Clinical...
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