-The Hindu The Trinamool Congress has "conspired" to ensure that the rural polls are not held in West Bengal by entering into a confrontation with the State Election that resulted in the latter moving court on the issue, alleged the Opposition parties here on Monday. "For a while, there were indications that the rural elections will not be held on time. The State government has played a distinctive role in plotting...
Bengal panchayat polls: EC seeks stay on Govt notification -Abhishek Law
-The Hindu Business Line Kolkata: The West Bengal State Election Commission on Monday moved the High Court seeking a stay on the notification issued by the State Government regarding panchayat polls (rural polls). The petition was filed before Justice Biswanath Samaddar. The matter is expected to come up for hearing tomorrow. The Panchayat Department of the State Government had last month (in March) issued a notification to conduct panchayat polls in two phases...
More »Cash transfer of subsidy could save Rs 60,000 crore: Study -Surojit Gupta
-The Times of India Direct transfer of benefits in cash to targeted beneficiaries of food and fertilizer subsidies could save an estimated Rs 60,000 cr and help trim the fiscal deficit which, in turn, may calm stubbornly high food inflation, a study by a government wing has shown. The study showed that policies to rein in food inflation would require winding down of the fiscal deficit, which has gone above 8% of...
More »When machine 'replaced' man as NREGA labourer-Vivek Deshpande
-The Indian Express Yavatmal: Works worth Rs 36 crore were completed in less than four months, supposedly a manual effort under the central employment scheme MNREGS, according to the Maharashtra's forest department. An inquiry ordered by the district collector has found it was made possible by a collusion between forest officials and contractors, who allegedly used machines. Works worth Rs 32 crore were done in only nine of 56 gram Panchayats in...
More »UP govt to launch rural housing scheme today -Neha Shukla
-The Times of India LUCKNOW: The Samajwadi Party government in Uttar Pradesh has made women from poor rural background direct beneficiaries ofLohiaGrameenAwasYojana and has allotted Rs520 crore for the scheme to provide shelter to homeless rural populace of the state, which would be launched today. War widows need not even confirm to the income criteria to be beneficiaries under the scheme. People who are not yet on the list of BPL survey...
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