Total Matching Records found : 5421

It ain't broken

After strong protest from civil society organisations, the government has admitted that it is considering amending the Right to Information (RTI) Act. It has, however, assured activists that a transparent and consultative process will be adopted before any action is taken, and the amendments will not be persevered with if activist groups are able to convince the government that they are either unnecessary or counterproductive. These assurances notwithstanding, it is...

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The anarchical society by Deepak Lal

Ever since Gunnar Myrdal’s Asian Drama, which castigated India as a “soft state”, western observers, as well as many members of the Nehruvian wing of Macaulay’s children, have failed to understand the anarchical society which has existed in India for millennia. A recent review (Journal of Economic Literature, September 2009) by Lant Pritchett (a former World Bank official in Delhi) of Financial Times’ former India correspondent Edward Luce’s book In...

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Survey of 422 slums in city planned by Deepa H Ramakrishnan

The Chennai Corporation will soon commission a study on the household and livelihood profile of 422 slums across the city. While it is to effectively implement the schemes funded under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission, the data would also help the civic body assess other welfare measures for those living in slums. The Corporation will float tenders inviting agencies to conduct the survey for gathering the details, including...

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Food dilemma: High prices or shortages

For a man who will inherit vast tracts of fertile farmland in Punjab, India's grain bowl, Jaswinder Singh made what seemed to him a logical career move -- he took a job with a telecoms company in New Delhi. "I can't go back to the village after an M.B.A. Delhi has more money, better quality of life. The job is more satisfying, and you don't depend on the weather or...

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Babus pushed to perform by Dilip Cherian

The Delivery Monitoring Unit set up by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the Prime Minister’s Office to monitor the government’s flagship programmes, initiatives and projects has sent babus in a tizzy trying to comply with the tough timelines set by T.K.A. Nair, the Prime Minister’s principal secretary who heads this unit. Naturally, most of the action is in ministries handling "flagship" programmes. Among the ministries which have already posted updates...

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