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How to Achieve Food Security by Ashok Gulati

Food inflation, hovering in the double digits, may play spoilsport to India’s ability to continue its rapid economic growth. It is truly troubling that food still consumes half of the expenditure of the average Indian household. No wonder a sharp spike in onion prices has the potential to upset the political calculus of social stability. India’s biggest challenge still remains ensuring food and nutritional security to its masses. Notwithstanding the nation’s...

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Too bad to swallow by Milind Murugkar , Bharat Ramaswami and Ashok Kotwal

The National Advisory Council (NAC) has now sketched out the “contours of a national food security bill”. The goal is worthy: “Protecting all children, women and men from hunger and food deprivation.” To some, the bill might appear utopian. The truth is worse. The bill reminds us of John Stuart Mill’s denunciation of a government policy of his day: “What is commonly called Utopian is something too good to be...

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India has inked 20 MoUs in the agriculture field in past 3 years

India has inked 20 MoUs in the field of agriculture with U.S., Russia, Italy and others in the last three years for cooperation in research and development and capacity building, Parliament was informed today. Besides fostering bilateral partnership, India also entered into agreement in the farm sector in multilateral format. Broad based and inclusive multilateral cooperation is pursued through international organisations such as Food & Agriculture Organisation (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP)...

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How India missed the bus for top FAO post by Sarah Hiddleston

India missed a unique opportunity to place one of its leading lights in the field at the head of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) as their candidacy was offered too late for the 2005 election, a leaked cable dated July 28, 2004 ( 19191: confidential) from the U.S. Mission to the United Nations has revealed. The names of Dr. M.S. Swaminathan, the driving force behind India's Green Revolution,...

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CPI(M): abandon Jaitapur project

Calling for an immediate halt to the Jaitapur nuclear power project in Maharashtra, the Communist Party of India(Marxist) on Tuesday said environment clearance should be withdrawn and the entire issue re-examined in the backdrop of the developments in tsunami-hit Japan. In a statement, the Polit Bureau said a party delegation which recently visited the project area confirmed that locals were totally opposed to the location of the plant and to forcible...

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