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SHGs to run ration shops

-The Statesman The state government is planning to engage self-help groups and co-operatives to run ration shops, state food and supply minister Jyotipriya Mullick said today at Writers’ Buildings.   He said a large number of ration dealers are involved in corruption and the state government will gradually abolish individual dealership for the smooth functioning of the ration system.   The state government is preparing a draft regarding this matter and will send...

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NAC to hardsell ‘success’-Radhika Ramaseshan

-The Telegraph The National Advisory Council is expected to soon release a 35-page document detailing the subjects it took up with the UPA II government and the “success” it achieved with these. The document will also outline the council’s future agenda. Sources in the council, headed by Sonia Gandhi, said the report was ready and merely needed to be ratified by all the members. The endorsement might come as early as tomorrow...

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Railways fail to evict illegal passengers from reserved coaches-Vinita Deshmukh

The railway ministry is helpless about the discomfort of railway passengers in reserved compartments who are outnumbered by passengers without tickets or with tickets meant for unreserved compartments   Last month, my friend’s daughter went on a trip to Corbett Park, which was organised by a Pune-based nature trail group. Although they had booked a Second Class (ordinary) reserved compartment, most of the 30-hour journey was spent in utter discomfort, with people...

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UN food standards body sets new regulations to help improve consumer health

-The United Nations The United Nations food standards body has agreed on new regulations, including the maximum level of melamine in liquid milk formula for babies, as part of its efforts to help protect the health of consumers, the World Health Organization (WHO) said today. Other measures adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission – jointly run by WHO and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) – include new food safety standards...

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Here are some of the cartoons deemed unsuitable for school-Anubhuti Vishnoi

-The Indian Express It is not just 21 cartoons that have been deemed “inappropriate” for NCERT textbooks. The Thorat Committee has frowned on much more, disapproving of “ too many cartoons of Mrs Indira Gandhi” in the Class XII textbooks, and objecting to some Amul advertisements. Set up in May following MPs’ objections to political cartoons in textbooks, the six-member committee headed by ICSSR chairman S K Thorat vetted six textbooks that...

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