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PMO got 70% more RTI pleas under Narendra Modi -Himanshi Dhawan

-The Times of India NEW DELHI: There is a 70% spurt in the number of RTI applications to the Prime Minister's Office after Narendra Modi took charge in May this year. Worryingly the number of appeals have increased by 65% indicating that people are dissatisfied with the responses they have received so far. The number of RTIs have increased from 3069 between January-May 2014 to 5208 applications between June-October this year. The...

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Is Jan Dhan really a success? -Surabhi Agarwal

-Business Standard Government's financial inclusion mission is well intentioned, but it may be putting a severe strain on the banking sector Sometime in August, a rumour went around a small village near Alwar in Rajasthan and in some other parts of the country: "Sarkar jo kala dhan wapas layegi, woh Jan Dhan yojana ke khaato mein baanta jayega" (When the government brings back black money, it will be distributed among Jan Dhan...

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Getting them back to school

-The Hindu A survey commissioned by the Ministry of Human Resource Development simplistically records poverty and academic disinterest as major reasons for children dropping out of school. A survey commissioned by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, in September shows that out of the estimated 20.41 crore children in the age group of 6-13 in India, an estimated 60.41 lakh (2.97 per cent) are out of school. This proportion of out-of-school children...

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Made for Big Pharma -Paranjoy Guha Thakurta

-Deccan Chronicle Prime Minister Narendra Modi may be patting himself on the back because President Barack Obama has agreed to India's position on food stockholding norms in World Trade Organisation (WTO). However, New Delhi seems to be bending over backwards to accommodate the American government and giant multinational corporations (MNCs) in the pharmaceutical industry, which will work to the detriment of our country's interests. In less than six months, the Modi government...

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Policy Watch: Food & water crisis ahead -RN Bhaskar

-DNA India's rising affluence and water profligacy could trigger a food crisis very soon At first blush, there is a lot to be cheerful about. India's index of industrial production has resumed its climb. Stalled projects are being dusted and revived. There is a good chance that employment figures, too, will begin rising by the end of the next quarter. Then there is more good news. Per capital GDP (Gross Domestic Product)...

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