Total Matching Records found : 5846

Bread and games in India by Latha Jishnu

We need spectacle in the capital, not mundane things like schools and hospitals in villages In the final years of the Roman Republic, the Senate kept the masses happy by distributing cheap food and staging big spectacles known as the circus games to get votes. In his satires, the Roman poet Juvenal observed witheringly that governance had been reduced to panem et circenses (bread and circus/games). He was referring to the...

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Schools told to stay away from corporal punishment by Manash Pratim Gohain

Cracking the whip on private tuitions given by school teachers in the capital, the directorate of education (DoE) has prohibited the same in an order passed on September 30. Asking the schools to follow the provisions under Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009 ( RTE Act 2009), the DoE has ordered schools to stay away from corporal punishment and abstain from detention and expulsion of students. In...

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Central assistance sought again for grocery sale through ration shops

State wants Centre to bear 25% of the cost Centre had earlier rejected the scheme The State government has resubmitted its project for distribution of essential commodities through ration shops to the Centre for assistance and proposes to lobby for it strongly. The project envisages distribution of 13 items, such as green gram, Bengal gram, split gram, coriander and chillies, through the ration shops in the State at subsidised rates. The State wants...

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Not counted by Ajoy Ashirwad Mahaprashasta

Delhi NGOs initiate a process to survey the city's homeless people and reach welfare schemes to them. IN the narrow lanes of Khari Baoli, Asia's largest wholesale spice and grocery market in the crowded Old Delhi area near the Red Fort, labourers grapple with heavy sacks of grain, pulses, and so on as they load them on to wooden trolleys or unload them from trucks. There is no room for...

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India’s CW Games: Not so great for the poor

In the long speeches made at the opening ceremony of the CW games, every important individual, department or institution that made a contribution, was acknowledged. Did anyone hear a word about the workers who made these world-class games possible? Maybe it was just a slip or maybe it was not considered necessary. Anyway, the workers were not there for the speeches, having been driven out of the capital just a...

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