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Modi govt's ad spend could feed 46 million children mid-day meal for a year -Shreya Raman

-Business Standard/ India Spend The BJP-led government spent Rs 4,880 crore ($753.99 million) on advertising its flagship schemes in the 52 months between April 2014 and July 2018 Mumbai: Midday meals for 45.7 million children for a year. One day’s wages for 200 million workers under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MNREGS). About 6 million new latrines. And at least 10 more Mars missions. These were some of the things...

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India ageing faster than we thought, shows data -Sushmi Dey

-The Time of India NEW DELHI: India is greying faster than previously projected, even though it fares better than other Saarc countries and China. The government has disclosed that the number of people above 60 will rise to around 340 million by 2050. The number, revealed by junior minister for health Anupriya Patel in the Lok Sabha, is higher than projections made by the United Nations (UN) and other agencies, which also...

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Since February, Rajasthan blocked internet 53 times, operators tell regulator Srikanta Tripathy

-The Times of India JAIPUR: The Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) has shot off a letter to the DepARTment of Telecommunications (DoT) to discourage states, pARTicularly Rajasthan, from diluting the laws governing temporary suspension of telecom services and issuing orders for shutdown of internet and data services. In its letter dated August 8, the representative body for telecom service providers said that, as per rules, the direction to suspend internet services...

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Rohini Nilekani dreams of making invisible water visible The capricious nature of groundwater has resulted in so much exploitation and overuse that we now have a consistent crisis. Presenting a roadmap for groundwater governance and information transparency using technology India is a groundwater civilization. Almost all Indians use groundwater, directly or indirectly, each day. This tradition goes back more than 2,000 years. India is criss-crossed with the most elegant wells that tap into the shallow aquifer. The oldest wells...

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Agri infrastructure for farmers' welfare is a priority -Radha Mohan Singh

-The Hindu Business Line The Narendra Modi government is committed to the welfare of farmers. As a result of this there has been a qualitative improvement in their lives. Taking a step in this direction, the government has transformed the targets meant for the implementation of farmers’ welfare schemes in a mission mode and time-bound manner. The government has been successful in bringing about awareness amongst farmers through new initiatives taken for...

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