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Governor promises more interaction with tribal chiefs in state

-The Times of India RANCHI: Complying with the provisions of Schedule V of the Indian Constitution, governor Syed Ahmed on Wednesday invited traditional tribal chiefs to the Raj Bhavan and introduced them to the newly opened cell of the Raj Bhavan that would deal with the issues relating to tribals in Schedule Areas. Expediting his role as the administrator of Scheduled Areas, Ahmed assured tribal leaders not only to pay attention to...

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Rapid GDP growth dents poverty but reduction is feasible-Raghav Gaiha and Vani S Kulkarni

If proof is needed of a policy paralysis, a recent official admission that poverty cannot be eradicated by 2020 cannot be dismissed out of hand. That this follows the Planning Commission's estimate of a rapid decline in poverty over the period 2004-05 and 2009-10 is not just intriguing but arguably schizophrenic. The former is utterly pessimistic while the latter is optimistic notwithstanding dubious price adjustments designed to deliver a favourable...

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Social protection for food security by MS Swaminathan

Social protection has seen a sharp focus in the development policy agenda during the past decade. There is also a clear trend for making social protection, as well as food security, “rights-based”, rather than “discretionary”. Yet, no clear consensus has so far emerged concerning many basic design choices and implementation modalities. The Food Security Act 2011, which is now under the consideration of our parliament, is designed to achieve the...

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How the Land Acquisition Bill will impact farmers-KP Narayana Kumar

-CNN-IBN Passing through Bulandshahar, a rapidly urbanising district in Uttar Pradesh known for its rustic politics and dairying, this reporter chanced upon a group of farmers sitting in protest outside a newly constructed apartment. The farmers occupied a tent that was erected outside the apartment complex. Their complaint was that they were being coerced to sell land for cheap by private players. "We will get only a measly Rs 20 lakh per...

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Rio+20: Earth summit dawns with stormier clouds than in 1992-John Vidal

John Vidal, who was in Rio for the '92 Earth summit, looks back at that momentous event, and how the 2012 version compares Helicopters thundered up and down the chic Copacabana and Ipanema beaches. Tanks guarded the bridges and tunnels. The favelas were in lockdown, schools closed and supermarkets stood empty. Unexpectedly, George H W Bush, the 41st US president, flush with success at the collapse of communism, had arrived in...

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