Sajha Manch – a network representing farmers' groups and voluntary organisations – appealed to the elected representatives of Panchayati Raj bodies and members of the Rajasthan Assembly here on Tuesday to exert pressure on the State Government to nullify a controversial agreement signed with bio-technology giant Monsanto of the U.S. for partnership in agricultural Research and hybrid seed production. The Sajha Manch regretted that the pact had been signed in July...
Sen push for right to health
Amartya Sen today said primary healthcare should be more accessible to people and sought the public sector’s support in healthcare. “I strongly say yes to right to health,” the Noble laureate said after formally announcing the launch of Pratichi (India) Institute in Salt Lake. The economist, who has been conducting Research and development work in the fields of education, health and gender equality for the past 10 years, said Pratichi Trust, which...
More »Powerless in Urjanchal by Samar Halarnkar
Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan wants it to be the new Singapore. State officials call it Urjanchal, land of energy. For sociologist Sakarama Somayaji, the enduring image from India’s emerging energy wonderland in Singrauli is the women who sell baskets of stones on the roadside. Individually or in groups, the women break stones, and sell them to passing trucks for R80-R90 a basket, a day’s labour. The women are...
More »PHFI rejected HPV vaccine project proposal by Aarti Dhar
Said it failed to state ethical aspects involved in the study Proposal was based on the assumption that vaccine was safe and efficacious: PHFI Brinda demands compensation for all subjects victimised by vaccine programme The proposal for conducting the now controversial “Post-licensure observational study of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination: Demonstration Project,” carried out by a non-governmental organisation PATH for two major pharmaceutical companies, had been turned down by the Public Health Foundation...
More »'Climate change threat to food security'
The two-day state-level Research and extension specialists workshop for kharif crops organized by Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) was inaugurated on Monday. PAU vice-chancellor Dr MS Kang visited the exhibition of latest farm technologies that was put up on the occasion and released the publications 'Use of mat type nursery and transplanting machinery for paddy', 'Improved design and cost estimates of net houses', and 'Rainwater harvesting from rooftop for groundwater recharge'...
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