-PTI Opposition parties on Friday disrupted Rajya Sabha demanding a special economic package for seven most backward states including Bihar, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh, leading to an adjournment of the House till noon. Raising the issue, Kiranmay Nanda (SP) said the Central government had failed to provide financial package to the seven most backward states identified in the Raghuram Rajan report. The Rajan panel had in September 2013 recommended a new index of...
States Need to Initiate Reforms in APMC Act
-Press Information Bureau (Ministry of Agriculture) The Government formulated a Model Act on Agri-Marketing reform in 2003 and Model Rules in 2007. The Government has since been pursuing the State Governments to adopt the Model Act and Rules. The Model Act inter-alia provides for alternative models through which farmers can access larger markets viz. setting up of markets in private and cooperative, contract farming, farmer consumer market and direct marketing. License...
More »Women's Reservation Bill Fails to Get LS Nod Again
-Outlook The fair sex got an unfair deal in the 15th Lok Sabha on the issue of reservation in legislatures despite the three top posts being occupied by women. The ambitious Women's Reservation Bill, which provides for 33 per cent reservation for women in the lower house of Parliament and state assemblies for 15 years, failed to get the nod this time too though Sonia Gandhi was the UPA Chairperson, Meira Kumar...
More »Disabled upset as bill for their rights stuck -Rakhi Chakrabarty
-The Times of India NEW DELHI: Differently-abled people took to the streets in protest as Parliament adjourned sine die without passing the much-awaited Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill on Friday. The bill, which seeks to broaden the ambit of disability from the existing seven to 19 categories, could not be passed primarily due to disruptions in Parliament on Telangana and other issues. The bill was introduced in Rajya Sabha on February...
More »Foodgrain godowns of 203.76 lakh MT to be constructed in 19 states
-Press Information Bureau (Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution) The Government has formulated a Private Entrepreneurs Guarantee (PEG) Scheme for creation of storage capacity mainly through Private Entrepreneurs, Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) and State Warehousing Corporations (SWCs)/State Agencies. Under this scheme, a capacity of 203.76 lakh MT has been approved for construction of godowns at various locations in 19 states. Out of this, tenders have been sanctioned for a...
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