-The Indian Express UP’s farm loan waiver could prompt other states to follow suit, evade real reasons for agricultural distress The new Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, Yogi Adityanath, has hit the ground running. In his first cabinet meeting, he took three important decisions with regard to farmers. First, he waived farm loans of more than Rs 36,000 crore, primarily of the small and marginal farmers who comprise 92 per cent of the...
Chilli farmers in Telangana, AP see red -KV Kurmanath
-The Hindu Business Line With bumper crop halving prices, traders are refusing to lift stocks Hyderabad: Chilli farmers in Telangana are in a belligerent mood as prices plummeted by more than half. With the State witnessing a bumper crop, the markets are flooded with the produce. As traders are refusing to lift the produce at a remunerative price, huge stocks are piling up at the market yards at Khammam, Warangal and in...
More »Droughts, floods, and suicides: What Bihar can teach Maharashtra and other states -Sanjiv Phansalkar
-VillageSquare.in A deeper dive is needed to draw insights from the low prevalence of farmer suicides in Bihar than in more developed regions of India such as Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh Suicide is among the most important antecedents of death in India, perhaps equaling, if not exceeding, road accidents. The better-developed and governed states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Andhra Pradesh show a higher incidence of suicides (number of...
More »The great Finance Bill trick -Niranjan Sahoo
-DNA The political funding reforms are an embarrassment to India’s claims of heralding a transparency revolution Following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s demonetization drive and his expressed desire to bring transparency in political funding, there were expectations of more concrete measures to cleanse the Augean stables of Indian politics. The government responded quickly, albeit through the Finance Bill. For the first time, the Union Budget 2017 devoted a full section (420...
More »MNREGA Is Not Making India's Workforce Less Skilled - Here's Why -Naman Garg and Aarushi Kalra
-TheWire.in MNREGA acts as a safety net not only against extreme poverty but also against the exploitation of workers. The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MMNREGA) and its impact on the various aspects of the economy continues to be an active area of research. A piece by Sumit Agarwal, Shashwat Alok, Yakshup Chopra and Prasanna L. Tantri titled “Is MGMNREGA destroying factory jobs? Disquieting data shows it discourages skill development”...
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