If present political trends and shifts in Andhra Pradesh intensify, the State could see an election within a year. And not just over Telangana. When Chandrababu Naidu sits on a hunger fast for suffering farmers, you know something is afoot in Andhra Pradesh. Excessive rains have devastated the crops in the State. And losses have been enormous. But a farmer losing over Rs.15,000 on an acre of paddy will get less...
CCIS: 2012 Allegations of corruption dominate Deshmukh's press meet
Although guardian minister of Gondia district Anil Deshmukh has given some valuable information regarding on line distribution of Public Distribution System (PDS) and biometric data system for employees in Gondia, most part of his press conference was dominated by allegations of rampart corruption prevailing in the district in various departments including village tanks, PDS and absence of employees from their seats in government offices. While speaking about the absence of the...
More »Ministry of statistics proposes changes in MPLADS scheme by Priyadarshi Siddhanta
The government is in no hurry to enhance the outlay on Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS) to Rs 5 crore nor has any intention to merge it with the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee programme (MGNREGA) in the near future. Emerging from a national consultation meeting on enhancing inclusiveness of the MPLADS and to make it more target-oriented, minister of statistics and programme implementation (MoSPI) Sriprakash Jaiswal...
More »Naidu fast spotlight on farmers
Chandrababu Naidu has managed to do outside the Andhra Assembly what he couldn’t within its four walls — train the national spotlight on the plight of farmers crippled by successive national calamities and inadequate compensation. The Telugu Desam president, who has been on indefinite hungerstrike at the new MLA quarters since Friday demanding higher compensation for farmers, was today forcibly taken into custody in the wee hours after a seven-hour drama...
More »Do Cities Import Crime? by Neelabh Mishra
In the capital of migrants, crime and loose tongues that is Delhi, it wasn’t unusual that Union home minister P. Chidambaram made the lazy connection that migrants are responsible for the city’s rising crime graph. After all, Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit has also done that before—only to recant when it was met with outrage, the way Chidambaram eventually did. That leaders at Chidambaram’s and Sheila’s level could be so simplistic...
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