Total Matching Records found : 11496

The jam in Delhi’s traffic experiment -Sriram Lakshman

-The Hindu A key to understanding the effect of driving restrictions on emission levels would be to analyse what substitutions citizens will make for private vehicle trips during restriction hours It will be an unusual start to the New Year for Delhi. The city will be subject to the much-discussed driving restrictions, according to which between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. most private vehicle operators will only be able to take their...

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Kota goes in remedial mode as number of student suicides rises -Aabshar H Quazi

-Hindustan Times Kota: Concerned over the rising number of students committing suicides, the Kota district administration and the city’s coaching institutes have begun taking corrective measures in an attempt to de-stress the students and instil positivity in them. The district administration has chalked out a strategy to reduce the pressure that students undergo, issuing several guidelines to coaching institutes including starting weekly offs for students, augmenting the number of counsellors, providing fees...

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Make the demographic dividend count before it becomes a curse

-Hindustan Times The recently released census data on India’s youth unemployment has only confirmed what some experts have been cautioning about. Nearly one in every four or 24% of those between 20 and 24 years of age are looking for jobs. Given the size of India’s population, this translates into millions of youth who join the army of job hopefuls every year. This raises some serious questions. How many workers will...

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The health-care crisis at our doorstep -PT Jyothi Datta

-The Hindu Business Line The Centre must act now as a year of medical mishaps across the nation comes to an end A little over three months ago, the country watched in horror when news unfolded of the death of a seven-year-old in Delhi from dengue and the subsequent suicide by his young parents. The harrowing experience of getting a simple thing like a bed in a hospital when you need it was...

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Like it or not, reports show people want MNREGA jobs -Mahua Venkatesh

-Hindustan Times If you are a fence sitter on the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme (MNREGA), not sure whether it is good or bad, here is data to confuse you some more. As payments for jobs under the scheme remain sluggish, there has been a 60% increase in households registering for the programme in the August to November period this year. The higher registration of households is expected to push...

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