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No More Excuses To Eliminating Child Labour by Ananthapriya Subramanian

What do three members of the National Advisory Council, two members of the Planning Commission, Editors (including the editor and executive editor of this magazine), MPs from across the political spectrum, CII members and the NCPCR have in common? One single demand: no child under 14 should be engaged in child labour. Forty-five eminent members of society from very diverse backgrounds have thrown their considerable weight behind an ongoing campaign...

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Govt. to introduce Bill to protect whistleblowers

The government on Thursday said a Bill to protect whistleblowers is in the final stage of formulation. “A Bill to protect the persons who make public interest disclosures is nearing finalisation,” Minister of State for Public Grievances Prithviraj Chavan said in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha. “There have been reports in the media and government has been informed about the increased threat to RTI (Right to Information) activists. Such incidents...

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Does the govt know how to control rising prices? by Subodh Varma

Does the government really have any clue about how to go about controlling prices? A quick survey of statements made by everybody from the Prime Minister downwards shows a picture of groping in the dark, while handing out empty assurances from time to time. What is worse, it's all smoke and mirrors for the public. Coming as it does from a government that is loaded with top-notch economists, it is...

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Blueprint for farm growth by Mohan Dharia

Acting with determination and firm action, it should be possible for India to step up its agricultural growth rate to 10 per cent. The 11th Five Year Plan seeks to achieve 4 per cent growth rate in agriculture by the end of the Plan period. The Planning Commission is working towards an overall 9 per cent to 10 per cent growth rate. But the target of 4 per cent growth rate is...

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AP releases social audit primer for NREGS

The Andhra Pradesh Government has released a social audit primer for the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme. Releasing the primer here on Monday, Mr Vatti Vasant Kumar, Minister for Rural Development, said the primer would help the people understand various issues involved in measuring the works and expenditure in the job guarantee scheme. “It will bring awareness among the members of Gram Sabhas, community and elected representatives on the implementation of the...

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