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House panel: Government clearing harmful drugs -Rupali Mukherjee

-The Times of India MUMBAI: You could be popping certain pills and combinations that are illegally approved, harmful, cleared without proper clinical trials or even banned in the US and other countries. Delivering a severe rap on the government's knuckles, a parliamentary standing committee on Health has charged it with "dilly-dallying and procrastination'' over serious irregularities in approval of life-saving medicines, not following the global ban on harmful drugs, and failing...

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Normal monsoon may give UPA some help

-The Times of India Rains could bring some relief to the UPA in the pre-election year with the meteorological department on Friday projecting a countrywide normal monsoon for 2013. The forecast should allay government's fears of food inflation jumping again over the 10% mark after being only partially tamed in the last quarter of the financial year. The weather office said that rainfall would be within the normal range - 98% of...

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The Cost of Drugs: Beyond the Supreme Court Order -Sanjay Nagral

-Economic and Political Weekly While the Supreme Court decision in the recent Novartis case has cleared the way for production of generic drugs in India, doctors have to prescribe cheaper alternatives to costly brands if patients with limited means are to benefit. What is being hailed as a victory in the struggle for affordable medicines in the country will actually be one only when there is a pro-patient slant to the...

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The Larger Implications of the Novartis Glivec Judgment-Sudip Chaudhuri

-Economic and Political Weekly The Supreme Court judgment on the Novartis-Glivec case is remarkable because it has gone beyond the specific technical and legal issues surrounding patents and has put the matter in a much larger political and economic perspective. The deeper implication of the judgment is that it is not only justified to deny patents when incremental innovation is trivial as in the Glivec case. The judgment has linked the...

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Global scientists back 10-year moratorium on field trials of Bt food crops-Gargi Parsai

-The Hindu     They say Supreme Court-appointed panel's recommendations reasonable Even as the final report of the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee (TEC) on open field trials of genetically modified crops is awaited, 51 independent international scientists with expertise in genetic engineering and biosafety protocols have approved the panel's Interim Report. The report has called for a 10-year moratorium on open field trials of Bt food crops until adequate regulatory mechanisms and safety...

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