Total Matching Records found : 3714

Quality of work matters, and not just job creation

Contrary to the rising economic distress on the ground since the last few years, the official press release related to the fourth Annual Report on the Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) at first glance seems to give a rosy picture about the employment situation in India.  Defined as the percentage of persons unemployed among the persons in the labour force, the unemployment rate in usual status (principal activity status + subsidiary economic activity status)...

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Dropping out: Editorial on India Discrimination Report 2022

-The Telegraph The women’s labour force participation rate, which measures the proportion of women in the age group of 15 to 64 who are working or are actively seeking work, has been estimated to be 25.1 per cent India Discrimination Report 2022 has been recently published by Oxfam. The data used in this report are drawn from the National Sample Survey, Periodic Labour Force Survey, and the All India Debt and Investment...

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How the Pandemic Exacerbated Identity-Based Discrimination in India's Labour Market -Siddharth Ganguly While employment was hit harder in urban areas due to the extent of disruption to urban business by the national lockdowns, rural India saw a more unequal distribution of these effects due to high discrimination. In the first article in this two-part series, we looked at the findings on discrimination in India’s labour market detailed in Oxfam’s India Discrimination Report 2022.  While that article detailed the extent of discrimination faced by Muslims,...

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Women and Agriculture in Kerala State: Collective responses by Kudumbashree during the COVID-19 pandemic -Resmi P Bhaskaran and Rajesh Ravi

- Focus on the Global South, dated 19 September, 2022 Three years into the pandemic, the report titled 'Women and Agriculture in Kerala State' assesses the track record of the Indian state of Kerala in addressing the health and livelihood challenges during the peak crisis period. The authors of the report elaborate on how the Government of Kerala effectively used the wide network of its women’s empowerment project – The Kudumbashree...

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Is Food Inflation in India Driven by Demand or Supply? -Deepanshu Mohan, and others While domestic food price inflation is high globally, consumer food price inflation in India has increased from 0.68% to 8.38% between September 2021 and April 2022. Inflation has continued to peak at an all-time high in all economies around the world, with food and energy prices skyrocketing to unprecedented levels. Even industrially developed nations like the US, Canada, and the Eurozone, which experienced decades-long of stable price levels have struggles to...

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