-The Hindu India records 2,59,291 new cases on Thursday Like every wave in the past, cases fuelled by the Omicron variant of COVID-19 have initially spread only in the urban areas. However, many rural and semi-rural places recorded a sharp spike in infections in the past week. At the start of this year, 50% of the cases were from urban centres such as Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata. However, the share reduced to...
WHO Doesn’t Trust India’s COVID-19 Death Figures: Prabhat Jha -Karan Thapar
-TheWire.in In an interview with Karan Thapar, the epidemiologist said the reason the WHO doesn’t trust India’s COVID-19 death count is because the undercounting is substantially greater than in other countries. Prabhat Jha, one of the world’s most highly regarded epidemiologists, has said that the World Health Organisation (WHO) does not trust India’s COVID-19 death figures and, therefore, when it made its first estimate of global deaths, it did not include India’s...
More »India reaps high growth from agriculture, allied products in FY22 -Subhayan Chakraborty
-Moneycontrol.com An intense focus on securing market access abroad and promoting Indian goods saw dozens of new products including Himachali millets and Chandauli’s black rice being shipped from India to several new destinations such as the UAE, and Denmark India’s agriculture and allied exports grew at a brisk 21 percent in the first eight months of the current financial year despite broken supply chains and various challenges brought about by the COVID-19...
More »The Curious Case of India's Millions of ‘Missing’ Poor People -KD Maiti and Santosh Mehrotra
-TheWire.in There is a need to set right the ‘national multidimensional poverty index’ framework to capture the true story of deprivation. The global sustainable development agenda demands that countries measure the population living in poverty and reduce it by at least half by 2030. So, in order to monitor progress on this critical development indicator, UNDP and Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) compute what is called the ‘Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)’...
More »35 of 46 who died of Covid-19 in Delhi between January 5-9 were not vaccinated
-IANS/ The New Indian Express The national capital so far has recorded a total of 70 Covid deaths in this month. NEW DELHI: As per the Delhi health department data, out of the total 46 deaths recorded between January 5 to 9 in the national capital, 11 people were vaccinated with both doses of vaccines against Covid-19. The national capital so far has recorded a total of 70 Covid deaths in this month....
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