Dantewada District Collector R. Prasanna has announced a probe into allegations of the police and paramilitary forces burning homes, molesting three women and killing at least three men in an operation early this month. On Wednesday, The Hindu and Rajasthan Patrika carried news reports in which eyewitnesses accused Chhattisgarh's Koya commandos (an armed tribal police corps) and the Central Reserve Police Force of burning over 300 homes and granaries, sexually assaulting...
Chhattisgarh villages torched in police rampage by Aman Sethi
Three women assaulted, three men killed, hundreds rendered homeless in course of five-day operation The operation began in the early hours of March 11 when about 350 heavily armed troopers marched into the forests of Dantewada. They returned to their barracks five days later, with three villages aflame, about 300 homes and granaries incinerated, three villagers and three security personnel dead, and three women sexually assaulted, the victims and several...
More »Security forces running riot in Dantewada? by Supriya Sharma
Nearly a year after Tadmetla in Dantewada hit national headlines with the massacre of 76 CRPF jawans, grief-stricken villagers in Dantewada alleged that security forces burnt down more than two hundred homes, sexually assaulted a woman and took away two men on March 16. Tadmetla has been scorched and reduced to rubble by the police, they said. In detailed and gruesome accounts given to journalists, the tribals alleged that five days...
More »More demands granted, but Adivasis march on by Amruta Byatnal
For the 6,000 people marching to Mumbai from the forest villages of Jalgaon and Nandurbar demanding their rights over forest land, there is some hope. Maharashtra Minister of State for Tribal Development Rajendra Gavit visited the protesters in Kasara taluka near Nashik on Friday and agreed to concede some of the demands raised by the Adivasis. Mr. Gavit went as a representative of Chief Minsiter Prithviraj Chavan, who on Thursday promised...
More »Not smart enough? by Swati Narayan
Smart card technology can be used to streamline India's unwieldy PDS. But it is yet to prove itself under real world challenges. Smart cards have become the latest buzzword to remedy India's public distribution system (PDS) — one of the largest food grain delivery networks in the world with more than 500,000 ‘ration' shops. Electronic voting machines have streamlined Indian elections. Credit cards, which can be swiped for payment at any...
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