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New wage code bars bonus for those facing sex abuse charges -Vikas Dhoot

-The Hindu As per the extant law, bonus dues are barred only in case of employees dismissed for fraud, violent conduct and theft or sabotage. Those indulging in sexual harassment of any form could run the risk of losing out on bonus dues from their employers, thanks to a provision in the Code on Wages that the government is currently framing rules for. Among other things, the Code on Wages lays down norms...

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The Migrant Worker and the Goddess -Tapati Guha-Thakurta The plight of the migrant worker exploded as a repeating theme in Puja pandals across Kolkata at a time when the central government made its scandalous declaration in Parliament about its “lack of data” about the number of workers who had perished, evading all its responsibility and obligations. Much ink has been spilt over this past week on this sculptural tableau of goddess Durga and her children as a migrant worker...

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Lockdown Woes: How Successful Have the Centre's Efforts to Boost NREGA Been? -Debmalya Nandy Despite a welcome increase in budgetary allocation, it's less clear if the programme was able to truly serve the massive rural demand that was sparked by the lockdown. The finance ministry announced an additional allocation of Rs 40,000 crore in May 2020 to boost India’s rural job programme. It was announced that the supplementary allocation will be over and above the Rs 61,500 crore that was the budgeted estimate for the...

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Employment guarantee a big hit in TS in the pandemic year -Swathi Vadlamudi

-The Hindu Districts surrounding Hyderabad have seen greater utilisation of scheme Hyderabad: Employment through the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREG) scheme has registered increase by almost a third in the Telangana State so far in the current year. Since April up to October this year, the employment provided has seen a jump of 32.35 % when compared with the same period of the financial year 2019-20, a study by Libtech India...

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Delhi-NCR air quality commission: Order, order to new order -Anumita Roychowdhury

-Down to Earth As the new ordinance seeks curtailment of judicial intervention, the executive faces the real challenge of pushing difficult and inconvenient solutions to clean air President Ramnath Kovind has signed a new ordinance to form a commission for air-quality management in the National Capital Region (NCR) and adjoining areas. This move, in one sweep, erases all other committees and authorities that were set up under judicial and administrative orders, seeks to...

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