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Team Anna to meet Sonia Gandhi tomorrow

-The Times of India   Congress president Sonia Gandhi will on Saturday meet Gandhian Anna Hazare and other representatives of civil society to discuss the Lokpal Bill. "The meeting between team Anna and Sonia Gandhi is confirmed for tomorrow (July 2)," Aswathi Muralidharan, a member of the NGO Parivartan which is canvassing support for the Lokpal Bill, said. The meeting had earlier been scheduled for June 30. Team Anna has been meeting political party leaders...

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Delhi Lokayukta is waiting for CWG Organising Committee to settle a Bill by Sobhana K

Among the people who are waiting for the Commonwealth Games Organising Committee (OC) to settle their accounts is the Delhi Lokayukta, Justice Manmohan Sarin. Justice Sarin and the OC are in a dispute over the security deposit for a house in Panchsheel Enclave that he had rented out to accommodate foreign delegates. Justice Sarin has not returned Rs 5.36 lakh out of the refundable security deposit of Rs 8.25 lakh to the...

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By the book

-The Indian Express   After a season of excess and excitability, the prime minister’s assertion of constitutional propriety was welcome. In recent months, public discourse has been roiled by a series of corruption scandals, and to add to that, some of the solutions suggested by civil society champions of the Lokpal Bill have been rash and potentially destabilising. The PM spoke up for the Constitution, and the importance of preserving the inbuilt...

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Goggle-eyed watchmen by Shivam Vij

Millions of Indians use Google and its myriad web services every day. We do not pay for them, nor have we elected the people who run Google. Google does not have to be accountable to us. In the ‘terms of services’ that we click ‘agree’ on, they could say anything because we do not read it anyway. Yet, Google convened a conference in Budapest in September 2010 to tell internet...

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Poles apart by V Venkatesan

The Joint Lokpal Bill Drafting Committee concludes its meetings without any agreement on major issues. ON June 21, as the five government representatives and the five civil society members of the Joint Lokpal Bill Drafting Committee ended their deliberations after exchanging their versions of the draft Lokpal Bill, the battle lines were clearly drawn. The government was in no mood to agree with the civil society members led by Anna...

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