Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar made a strong pitch for bringing to an end the policy of implementing Centrally-sponsored schemes in states, saying the Centre should confine itself to broad policy making. "You (Centre) develop policy and broad roadmap. Leave the decision on schemes for states. Stop Centrally-sponsored schemes. You give us decide a target and help and monitor us but why going into minute details?," Kumar asked. Speaking at a...
'Climate change threat to food security'
The two-day state-level research and extension specialists workshop for kharif crops organized by Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) was inaugurated on Monday. PAU vice-chancellor Dr MS Kang visited the exhibition of latest farm technologies that was put up on the occasion and released the publications 'Use of mat type nursery and transplanting machinery for paddy', 'Improved design and cost estimates of net houses', and 'Rainwater harvesting from rooftop for groundwater recharge'...
More »Galloping Growth, and Hunger in India by Vikas Bajaj
The 50-year-old farmer knew from experience that his onion crop was doomed when torrential rains pounded his fields throughout September, a month when the Indian monsoon normally peters out. For lack of modern agricultural systems in this part of rural India, his land does not have adequate drainage trenches, and he has no safe, dry place to store onions. The farmer, Arun Namder Talele, said he lost 70 percent of...
More »An indictment of the World Bank schemes by K Subramanian
THE WORLD BANK IN INDIA - Undermining Sovereignty, Distorting Development: Edited by Michele Kelley, Deepika D'Souza; Orient Blackswan, 3-6-752, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad-500029. Rs. 895. This book is a collection of essays covering an array of economic issues ranging from agriculture, poverty, food security, power, water, to governance, environment impact and sustainability of growth, and the impact of the World Bank on them. Even a cursory reading would show that it is a...
More »'Climate change of serious global concern'
Climate change is a serious global issue of great concern to different countries. So said Dr Manjit Singh Kang, PAU vice-chancellor, on the opening day of a three-day international conference on 'Preparing Agriculture for Climate Change' at Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) on Sunday. 'Green Revolution is a path-breaking movement and Punjab has spearheaded it for over four decades,' said Punjab Agricultural Marketing Board chairman Ajmer Singh Lakhowal, the chief guest. Kang, who...
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