India’s government is preparing to conduct the country’s first comprehensive survey on higher education, according to a senior education official. While there are reliable statistics about primary and secondary schools, currently available numbers for higher education are severely inadequate, said Sunil Kumar, additional secretary for higher education at the Ministry of Human Resource Development. Addressing a conference organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry late last month, he said the survey would map...
Shoring up public healthcare
The world's growing riches seem to make little difference to over 100 million people globally as they slide into poverty every year because of healthcare costs. One of the unsolved conundrums in many countries is the inability to provide for universal healthcare coverage, despite economic growth and development. While the financial consequences of illness are severe for many in poorer countries that do not have appropriate systems in place, those...
More »Row over GM rice
Close on the heels of the protests over the commercial introduction of Bt brinjal in the country, reports of field trials for a genetically modified (GM) variety of rice in West Bengal has sparked another controversy. A group of scientists held a press conference here on Thursday strongly protesting the development after media reports emerged about the decision of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GEAC) to grant permission to the Calcutta...
More »Fertile Punjab hit by hunger pangs: Report by Shimona Kanwar
The food bowl of the country figures pathetically low on hunger index — a statistical tool to measure the state of countries' hunger situation. Punjab lies below 33 other developing countries ranked by Global Hunger Index . Based on a publication by International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, it was concluded that there is no link between economic progress and hunger. The IFPRI report was presented at the ongoing 93rd annual...
More »Agri min may introduce liquid fertilisers by Anindita Dey
Panel report says this would increase soil productivity. In an effort to revolutionise sale of nutrient-based fertilisers, the ministry of agriculture for the first time is considering a proposal to introduce liquid fertilisers. This is based on the recommendation of a working group set up to study and recommend measures to increase agricultural production. Their report says micro irrigation can be combined with controlled application of fertilisers and other needed nutrients. To...
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