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2,639 Orissa farmers committed suicide in ten years

A total of 2,639 farmers killed themselves in Orissa in the past ten years, the state's Agriculture Minister Damodar Rout said Tuesday. He also claimed that none of the suicides was due to farm related problems or crop loss. The farmers killed themselves mostly due to personal problems and family disputes, he told the state assembly. Of the total deaths, 2,575 committed suicide between 2000 and 2008. The remaining 64 deaths took...

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UN agency creates tool to mitigate agriculture’s contribution to global warming

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has initiated a programme to improve global information on greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and accurately assess farming’s potential to mitigate global warming. The improved data acquired by the FAO Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) programme, which will receive $5 million in funding from Germany and Norway, will be made available via an online global knowledge base that will profile greenhouse...

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China: drought will not impact global prices by Ananth Krishnan

Abundant reserves, says Beijing $1.96-billion relief effort under way China on Tuesday said a record drought across its major wheat-producing provinces would not impact global food prices, with the country expected to meet its demand from “abundant reserves.” “China is self-reliant on food,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ma Zhaoxu told a regular press briefing. He was responding to a question on global concerns triggered last week after the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation...

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'Climate change threat to food security'

The two-day state-level research and extension specialists workshop for kharif crops organized by Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) was inaugurated on Monday. PAU vice-chancellor Dr MS Kang visited the exhibition of latest farm technologies that was put up on the occasion and released the publications 'Use of mat type nursery and transplanting machinery for paddy', 'Improved design and cost estimates of net houses', and 'Rainwater harvesting from rooftop for groundwater recharge'...

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Punjab farmers to cultivate in Ethiopia, import output to India

They want State Government to exempt their farm produce from duty A group of Punjab-based farmers on Monday said they are going to grow pulses and oilseeds on 5,000 hectares of land in Ethiopia and import their farm produce to India. “We will start cultivating 5,000 hectares of land in Ethiopia from September this year and plan to cultivate pulses, oilseeds, sugarcane and maize which are always in short supply (in India),”...

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