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Delay can’t end graft cases: SC -R Balaji

-The Telegraph The Supreme Court has held that criminal cases, particularly corruption-related, cannot be quashed because of prolonged delay in trial. The recent ruling assumes significance against the backdrop of a pile-up in cases and a perception fuelled by time lag that those charged with corruption usually get away lightly. The Supreme Court's decision came while it refused to quash a 27-year-old graft case filed by the anti-corruption bureau against the then deputy...

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A shocker: Not a single public toilet in whole of rural Delhi-Gaurav Vivek Bhatnagar

-The Hindu It may be hard to believe, but it is true. Anyone travelling the length of the rural belt of Delhi that stretches from Badarpur border in South-East Delhi all the way to Narela in the northern periphery of the city, will not find a public toilet along the way. The reason being: all these years no one constructed any. And while many believe the rural population knows best how...

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Review panel for Health projects

-The Telegraph   Bhubaneswar: The Odisha government proposes to set up review committees at village levels and urban areas to keep a tab on all Health related programmes. The committees, which will have people from various walks of life, will do social audit of the projects being implemented in their areas. Health and family welfare minister Damodar Rout today said: "The committees will be set up in rural as well as urban areas. All...

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Stressed out cops battle range of disorders-S Vijay Kumar

-The Hindu   Health problems apart, they have little time for family "My father comes home very late. He never attends school-day functions or parent-teacher meetings. There has hardly been a weekend when he took us out..." This is how children of police personnel responded at a family counselling session, organised by the Madurai district police recently. Many children complained that their parents working in the Police department were stressed out most of the...

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Punjab facing stagnancy in agriculture: State's Economic Survey-Vijay C Roy

-The Business Standard According to Economic Survey of the state, contribution of primary sector in the GDP of state is continuously declining since 2004-05 Having distinction of being the pioneer of Green Revolution, Punjab is facing stagnancy in agriculture production and constant decline in primary sector's share in state GSDP. According to Economic Survey of the state, contribution of primary sector(which comprises mainly agriculture and allied activities) in the GDP of state...

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