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Skilled staff shortage hits Aadhaar drive

-Deccan Chronicle Anantapur: Lack of skilled manpower and approved operators with tool kits and computer systems has badly hit the Aadhaar enrolment drive in the district. Though the administration had around 350 kits pertaining to the enrolment process, the district administration was unable to set up new centres to complete the process in the scheduled period. Long queues were witnessed ever since the enrolment drive started at 22 centres in the district. Generally,...

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Fancy joining a rural health school?-Vijaykumar Patil

-The Hindu The aim: to generate a cadre of healthcare providers who will stay put in villages and extend comprehensive healthcare to the needy It is not unusual to find Primary Health Centres (PHCs) in villages closed for long hours, with the patients waiting for a doctor. The reason: many doctors are reluctant to serve in rural areas. Thus, the promised public healthcare to all finds little meaning for the patients in...

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The Doctor Only Knows Economics-Lola Nayar and Amba Batra Bakshi

-Outlook This could be the UPA’s worst cut to its beloved aam admi. Healthcare has virtually been handed over to privateers. Not For Those Who Need It Most Govt seems to have abandoned healthcare to the private sector Diagnosing An Ailing Republic     70 per cent of India still lives in the villages, where only two per cent of qualified allopathic doctors are available     Due to lack of access to medical care, rural India...

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The limits of shock and awe: Nandy, Dalits & Corruption -Praful Bidwai

-Kashmir Times If psychologist Ashis Nandy had planned to ignite a potentially ugly controversy at the Jaipur Literary Festival, he couldn't have done better than by insinuating intimate links between corruption and Dalits, Adivasis and Other Backward Classes. After warning that he was about to make a "very undignified" and "almost vulgar" statement, "which will shock you", Nandy said: "It is a fact that most of the corrupt come from the...

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The vanity of 13/12 'truth-telling'-Praveen Swami

-The Hindu The ground beneath Arundhati Roy’s seismic claims on the Parliament House attack, is shaky — to say the least “Everyone is entitled to their own opinions”, the American politician Daniel Patrick Moynihan — among others — is credited with having said, “but not to his own facts.” Muhammad Afzal Guru’s execution on Saturday morning — a grim spectacle, where the Indian government disgraced itself by denying his family a last meeting,...

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