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Invisible health risk that stalks India’s youth-Vikram Patel

-The Hindu A Lancet study reports that suicide is the second highest cause of death among the young The medical journal, The Lancet has published a study today which should bring attention to a little known human tragedy which is being played out across our country. The research is based on the first national survey of the causes of death, conducted in 2001-03, by the Registrar General of India. Many people die...

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How the Land Acquisition Bill will impact farmers-KP Narayana Kumar

-CNN-IBN Passing through BuLandshahar, a rapidly urbanising district in Uttar Pradesh known for its rustic politics and dairying, this reporter chanced upon a group of farmers sitting in protest outside a newly constructed apartment. The farmers occupied a tent that was erected outside the apartment complex. Their complaint was that they were being coerced to sell Land for cheap by private players. "We will get only a measly Rs 20 lakh per...

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Farm test but no industry to blame-Pranesh Sarkar

Bengal is staring at the possibility of losing self-sufficiency in rice unless the state manages to reverse a declining trend and step up production by as much as 12 per cent over the next four years. Lack of self-sufficiency in grain production need not necessarily be an alarming factor for a modern economy. But such a status is looming over Bengal in spite of factories not mushrooming on farmLand — the...

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Governor promises more interaction with tribal chiefs in state

-The Times of India RANCHI: Complying with the provisions of Schedule V of the Indian Constitution, governor Syed Ahmed on Wednesday invited traditional tribal chiefs to the Raj Bhavan and introduced them to the newly opened cell of the Raj Bhavan that would deal with the issues relating to tribals in Schedule Areas. Expediting his role as the administrator of Scheduled Areas, Ahmed assured tribal leaders not only to pay attention to...

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Poorest in societies will suffer the most if we use our resources unsustainably-Janez Potocnik

In just over a week, world leaders will gather in Brazil for the Rio +20 Summit to decide what kind of future we want. Twenty years after the original earth summit, the theme is the green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.  Why is the conference important and why the aspirations for a 'green economy'? A green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and...

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