-The Hindu Shaktikanta Das says Rs. 12.44 lakh crore in invalid notes may not have come back to banks The Finance Ministry on Thursday said the Rs. 12.44 lakh crore figure reported by the Reserve Bank of India as the amount having been deposited in banks since the November 8 demonetisation announcement could be inflated due to double-counting. Department of Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das said the RBI had infused three times the...
Notes Ban: In Uttar Pradesh Town, Only One ATM In 53 Is Working -Alok Pandey
-NDTV Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh: The cash crunch in the aftermath of the government's ban on Rs. 500 and Rs. 1,000 notes is bad enough in metros with block-long queues. But how bad is it in the small towns of India? Deep in eastern Uttar Pradesh, in Vindhyachal and Mirzapur, NDTV did a reality check. And the results were staggering. The journey started at 9 am, outside the ICICI bank ATM in the...
More »Rs 1 lakh crore: fall in bank credit growth in fortnight after Nov 8 -George Mathew
-The Indian Express Banks are now caught in a dilemma even as they stare at a decline in loan growth — considering the surge in deposits since November 9. Mumbai: Struggling to cope with bad loans and the aftermath of the demonetisation decision, Indian banks have taken a hit on lending. Loan growth plunged by Rs 1 lakh crore in the fortnight that ended November 25, according to estimates. According to...
More »Plight of the migrants: Jobless labourers return home after demonetisation
-Hindustan Times Plight of the migrants: Jobless labourers return home after demonetisation Twenty-three-year-old Avinash Kumar is planning to postpone his sister’s marriage. The money he had saved, working at a sweatshop in New Delhi’s Mongolpuri, is all but gone. Kumar lost his job in about two weeks from the time Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a ban on Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes, in a move that he termed as the biggest-ever...
More »Demonetization: Pain or gain? -BM Singh
-Livemint.com Mere demonetization would not serve the purpose, it would have to be taken in conjunction with other measures to correct systemic faults and not just destruction of cash Most of the country and even foreigners are going gaga over the move by the government to demonetize high-denomination notes. A presumption has been made that they mostly reflect black money or unaccounted wealth. A bold move indeed and there are many who...
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